100% DomesticCoding

Coding & Billing Solutions is a medical coding and billing service provider whose staff is 100%domestic. While some in our industry have moved to an offshore coding model thinking they will save money, clients who have moved their coding to CBS’s USA-based team have found that our high-quality work paired with our low-cost produces financial and coding efficiency results that are far superior to their over-seas partners.

  • 100% USA-Based Coding & Billing Team
  • All English-Speaking Coders Means No Language Barrier
  • No Time Zone Difference Results in Better Collaboration
  • U.S. Work Standards and Quality Control
  • Full Compliance with U.S. Regs and Data Privacy Laws
  • Fewer Denied Claims
  • Higher Overall Productivity & Cost Effectiveness

If you would like to learn how Coding & Billing Solution’s fully on shore staff can improve communications, accuracy and compliance to your coding regime, all at a reasonable cost, contact us today!